Saturday, April 19, 2008

Some Gifts!

Receiving gifts ...I think we all enjoy receiving gifts regardless of its worth. One of the things I admire about my department is the way they show their appreciation.

This year the Women's Day just happen to fall on a Saturday, i.e., 8th March. Our department decided to do something special by organising a small sports competition exclusively for the women. I also signed up for the item; running with a table tennis ball on a bat; and we all gathered to take part in different activities on Friday afternoon. Some of the items were throwing ball inside a bucket, skipping and the chinese game of kicking a feather. I managed to run around the course without dropping my ball but unfortunately there were more girls who could do better so I didn't win the race. Most of the time we never get asked as a foreigner, to participate cause they always assume that we wont be interested in their activities. I sort of invited myself to the activities and they were quite happy about it. I was happy that I took part in their activities and that my involvement with them was quite appreciated. I knew that they wouldn't just keep quiet without doing something special for all of us. So the following week I receive a gift which I felt was quite practical. So here is the picture of the gift I received so as every other women in the department: two bars of washing soap, a kilo of detergent powder and a 4L washing detergent. So now I'm happily washing my dirt away!!!

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